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Friday, 8 November 2013

My top award this week goes to the Euro Weekly News for putting this notice on their letters page: 'ALL LETTERS, WHETHER BY EMAIL OR POST, SHOULD CARRY THE WRITERS POSTAL ADDRESS, NIE AND CONTACT NUMBER THOUGH ONLY THE NAME AND TOWN WILL BE PUBLISHED. How i wish other papers followed suite and perhaps I wouldn't have to put up with a load of made up names who get off on posting the rubbish about me. I'm sure people now realise that many of these names are the same person!!!!


  1. Well put Maurice. Could you imagine if that other paper followed those rules these fakes, and of course we know who they are, would have nowhere to hide. Good on the EWN. The classic is he’s accusing ME of being YOU... a made up name??? I must also make just one more point, this halfwit and his two mates suggest you should retire because you are SO unpopular..They base this on the half dozen names that criticise you on that paper. There is an important fact on that subject I’ve never seen any of the 90 fire victims critics you or the volunteers or the musicians. Odd that??? Have these morons ever seen your Facebook, if they had they would have seen the hundreds of congratulations messages re your medal award. So weighing that up against the few ‘names’ who complained about you (might be less depending what names they are using) to the hundreds that are supporting you, no contest, my advice Maurice is keep doing what you’re doing, the coast needs you. Now as everyone is saying, get back on radio where you belong.

  2. Is this a joke Gary, Maurice Boland not popular???? What planet does this man live on???

  3. Well said. Gutter press!!! How much did this newspaper contribute to the fire victims? All very well having meetings, Sitting around with glasses of beer and wine pretending to showing support but that takes no effort. Ask yourself what did this achieve? , getting off your backside and doing something, well thats a whole different story . Did these fakes actually do anything but bad mouth? NO. Thank goodness we have a man who does something on this coast instead of stay at home heroes as someone called them. Why are they hiding behind their false names? I'll tell you why, because they don't want to be exposed. One of them admitted to Jon Clark the editor of the newspaper that he was frightened of what Maurice Boland would do to him.!!! You couldn't make it up

  4. I forgot to add, every time someone says good things about Maurice these two fakes start accusing them all of being Maurice. I suppose the hundreds that congratulated him on receiving his award were ALL Maurice. Pathetic!!!!
