Well, Well guess what? I've just come across the video of Michael Brown , the so call 'innocent' (my ass) Michael Brown that was shot by a white cop that the started riots across America. He was called a The gentle GIANT Yea?
Attached is a video taken from a cell phone, showing how Michael Brown.....(yes, the one and the same)....treats a senior black male. This 300 lb. young boy (that's what media calls him) is the same Michael Brown that attempted to take a gun away from a police officer and paid with his life. Here is the fellow that all of the riots are about. Videos don't lie. You will not see this in the media. Pass this around so the truth can be known. It needs to be seen!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, the Grand Jury got it ALL WRONG. Sure! Look at the video and make up your own mind what the cops in US have to put up daily
So, now do you still thing this scumbag was the 'young boy', 'the gentle giant' his friends tried to make him out to be?????
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Friday, 26 December 2014
My memories of 10 years ago when the Tsunami hit South East Asia claiming 270,000 lives.
It was ten years ago today that the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake which was an undersea mega thrust earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, 26 December 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the Sumatra–Andaman earthquake. The resulting tsunami was given various names, including the 2004 Indian Ocean.
Let me take you back 24 hours. It was Christmas day and the year was slowly coming to an end. It had been an exceptional year for me as 2004 started off with me hosting my radio show on Onda Cero International and ending up with me being the managing director of Radio Europe Mediterraneo better known as REM FM which I also owned 25% of the shares in. In short it was a dream comes true for me. I had never been happier although the year it’s self was a year of extremely hard work both on running the radio station and it seemed that every weekend I was hosting one charity event after another.
Christmas morning was always one of the highlights of my year when I would host a show I introduced 12 years prior called ‘Wish You Were Here’ where I would phone families throughout the world sending seasonal greeting from their families who lived in southern Spain it was a hugely popular show. No other English radio station had ever had such a high audience rating before or since. That same Christmas day as soon as my show was over, around 2pm, I immediately headed to ICE to host a charity Christmas lunch for Age Concern. About a week before that Christmas my wife Wendy asked could I please take some time off from my charity commitments as she or the children had hardly seen me over the last 6 months. I was tired anyway and readably agreed.
Boxing day 2004 I had agreed to give all my staff a well deserved day off and I too was delight with the prospect of hanging around the house In my scruffy track suit and slippers enjoying a day of doing absolutely nothing but reflect on the huge success my first attempt in launching and running a radio station.
It must of been about 9am that I switched on the television news and there it was none stop reporting on the devastation of the Tsunami, a word I had never heard of before but the world was to get to know as the horrors of this tidal wave griped us all. I was shocked as I saw the pictures on Sky News unfold and the requests for help, shelter, clothing, medicines that were urgently needed. I knew I had to do something. I immediately got dressed and headed to the studio. I interrupted the scheduled recorded programs to announce that a request had gone out on television for clothing, blankets , water and plastic sheeting for shelter etc. Knowing the generosity my audience over the years I was sure they would respond immediately, I wasn’t wrong! All day boxing day 2004 listeners began to arrive in the studio with clothing, blankets and boxes of bottled water etc etc. I had no idea how I was going to actually get everything to Sri Lanka that is until I got a call from Joy Butler Markham who said the she would help me ship out the collected items and that she was on her way to the studio immediately.
Joy with the children at the school in Sri Lanka that REM FM helped build.
Joy is an amazing person who is the founder of a charity foundation Manacare which she launched in 1994. They have built centers, and provides support, in countries around the world: South Africa, Omsk, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Egypt, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. In the end REM FMwe ended having two shipping containers the size of two small bungalows to send out to Sri Lanka!!! I continued to work with Joy who went out to visit the devastated areas in Sri Lanka reporting live on REM almost daily. It was all so upsetting. Joy had the ambition to rebuild a school that had been flattened by the Tsunami killing many of the pupils and teachers. Again with the help of the REM FM listeners and charity events I hosted we raised almost all the money needed to rebuild the school. REM's Mary Harbo then flew out to Sri Lanka to report on the progress of the rebuild . Ten years on Joy is still doing heroic work in helping rebuild the lives of so many young people devastated by that tidal wave and I hope in our own small way REM.FM also helped.
It was ten years ago today that the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake which was an undersea mega thrust earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, 26 December 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the Sumatra–Andaman earthquake. The resulting tsunami was given various names, including the 2004 Indian Ocean.
Let me take you back 24 hours. It was Christmas day and the year was slowly coming to an end. It had been an exceptional year for me as 2004 started off with me hosting my radio show on Onda Cero International and ending up with me being the managing director of Radio Europe Mediterraneo better known as REM FM which I also owned 25% of the shares in. In short it was a dream comes true for me. I had never been happier although the year it’s self was a year of extremely hard work both on running the radio station and it seemed that every weekend I was hosting one charity event after another.
Christmas morning was always one of the highlights of my year when I would host a show I introduced 12 years prior called ‘Wish You Were Here’ where I would phone families throughout the world sending seasonal greeting from their families who lived in southern Spain it was a hugely popular show. No other English radio station had ever had such a high audience rating before or since. That same Christmas day as soon as my show was over, around 2pm, I immediately headed to ICE to host a charity Christmas lunch for Age Concern. About a week before that Christmas my wife Wendy asked could I please take some time off from my charity commitments as she or the children had hardly seen me over the last 6 months. I was tired anyway and readably agreed.
Boxing day 2004 I had agreed to give all my staff a well deserved day off and I too was delight with the prospect of hanging around the house In my scruffy track suit and slippers enjoying a day of doing absolutely nothing but reflect on the huge success my first attempt in launching and running a radio station.
It must of been about 9am that I switched on the television news and there it was none stop reporting on the devastation of the Tsunami, a word I had never heard of before but the world was to get to know as the horrors of this tidal wave griped us all. I was shocked as I saw the pictures on Sky News unfold and the requests for help, shelter, clothing, medicines that were urgently needed. I knew I had to do something. I immediately got dressed and headed to the studio. I interrupted the scheduled recorded programs to announce that a request had gone out on television for clothing, blankets , water and plastic sheeting for shelter etc. Knowing the generosity my audience over the years I was sure they would respond immediately, I wasn’t wrong! All day boxing day 2004 listeners began to arrive in the studio with clothing, blankets and boxes of bottled water etc etc. I had no idea how I was going to actually get everything to Sri Lanka that is until I got a call from Joy Butler Markham who said the she would help me ship out the collected items and that she was on her way to the studio immediately.
Joy with the children at the school in Sri Lanka that REM FM helped build.
Joy is an amazing person who is the founder of a charity foundation Manacare which she launched in 1994. They have built centers, and provides support, in countries around the world: South Africa, Omsk, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Egypt, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. In the end REM FMwe ended having two shipping containers the size of two small bungalows to send out to Sri Lanka!!! I continued to work with Joy who went out to visit the devastated areas in Sri Lanka reporting live on REM almost daily. It was all so upsetting. Joy had the ambition to rebuild a school that had been flattened by the Tsunami killing many of the pupils and teachers. Again with the help of the REM FM listeners and charity events I hosted we raised almost all the money needed to rebuild the school. REM's Mary Harbo then flew out to Sri Lanka to report on the progress of the rebuild . Ten years on Joy is still doing heroic work in helping rebuild the lives of so many young people devastated by that tidal wave and I hope in our own small way REM.FM also helped.
Thursday, 25 December 2014
Happy Christmas to all my friends on this glories Christmas day and I wish peace and love to ALL mankind.
On my left is my boss Hayley Bromley and to my right is my special friend the lovely Sarah Conroy who is lucky enough to share my office!!! Although being absent for the last two months of this year due to a small illness she still achieved Bromleys sales person of the year with sales exceeding 8 million Euros!!!!

Wednesday, 24 December 2014
Did Jesus preach at this synagogue? Archaeologists excavate 2,000-year-old ruins in ancient town of Magdala where Christ is thought to have taught disciples
Synagogue is thought to have been focal point when Jesus visited Magdala
Ruins discovered during preparation to build a hotel beside Sea of Galilee
Ancient town of Magdala lies under what is now Migdal in northern Israel
Jewish artefacts date back to the time of Jesus and the rise of Christianity
Notice the Menorah in the center this is what most Jewish homes today light their candles in for Hanukkah
During a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly a member of the Israel delegation got up to speak. He started by saying " Before I get down to business I'd like to share a story with you. One day Moses decided to go for a swim in a near by lake. Whilst swimming a Palestinian sneaked up and stole his robes." With that the Arab delegation member rose to his feet and yelled " There was no Palestinians then!!!"
"Exactly" Replied the Israel minister, " and now we have established that perhaps we can get on with the business in hand!"
Along with many world leaders David Cameron celebrate hanukkah
Synagogue is thought to have been focal point when Jesus visited Magdala
Ruins discovered during preparation to build a hotel beside Sea of Galilee
Ancient town of Magdala lies under what is now Migdal in northern Israel
Jewish artefacts date back to the time of Jesus and the rise of Christianity
Notice the Menorah in the center this is what most Jewish homes today light their candles in for Hanukkah
During a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly a member of the Israel delegation got up to speak. He started by saying " Before I get down to business I'd like to share a story with you. One day Moses decided to go for a swim in a near by lake. Whilst swimming a Palestinian sneaked up and stole his robes." With that the Arab delegation member rose to his feet and yelled " There was no Palestinians then!!!"
"Exactly" Replied the Israel minister, " and now we have established that perhaps we can get on with the business in hand!"
Along with many world leaders David Cameron celebrate hanukkah
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Thousands of young Jews and Arabs gathered in downtown Jerusalem to celebrate life and common passions as part of the "Simply Singing" initiative, which began at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It aims to bring Jews and Arabs together through shared cultural events.
Facilitators taught songs and invited participants to sing along in both Hebrew and Arabic. The event was headlined by singer Lubna Salame and the Yemen Blues - Ravid Kahalani band, who together created a special joint performance for the event.
Yemen Blues is lead by singer Ravid Kahalani, who combines the ancient Jewish melodies of his family's native Yemen with West African, funk and mambo influences. Time Out Chicago wrote that Yemen Blues is "one of the most exciting bands in world music right now.”
Lubna Salame, originally from Haifa, is a resident singer with the Nazareth Orchestra. She started her career as a child, singing classical Arabic songs with a church choir, and became an instant star after her first concert at the 2000 Israel Festival.
In addition to the music, poetry and dancing, food played a major role in the evening's success. A food truck featured two chefs, one Arab-Israeli, the other Jewish-Israeli, who worked together to create fusion dishes that reflected both their cultures (gefilte fish with knafeh anyone?). Chef Elias Mattar from the northern Galilee region and Chef Marcus Gershkowitz, co-owner of Jerusalem's famous Angelica restaurant, demonstrated cuisine from their kitchens.
Arab and Jewish DJs performed in a number of downtown bars during the after party, proving once again the power of music to break down boundaries.
Thousands of young Jews and Arabs gathered in downtown Jerusalem to celebrate life and common passions as part of the "Simply Singing" initiative, which began at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It aims to bring Jews and Arabs together through shared cultural events.
Facilitators taught songs and invited participants to sing along in both Hebrew and Arabic. The event was headlined by singer Lubna Salame and the Yemen Blues - Ravid Kahalani band, who together created a special joint performance for the event.
Yemen Blues is lead by singer Ravid Kahalani, who combines the ancient Jewish melodies of his family's native Yemen with West African, funk and mambo influences. Time Out Chicago wrote that Yemen Blues is "one of the most exciting bands in world music right now.”
Lubna Salame, originally from Haifa, is a resident singer with the Nazareth Orchestra. She started her career as a child, singing classical Arabic songs with a church choir, and became an instant star after her first concert at the 2000 Israel Festival.
In addition to the music, poetry and dancing, food played a major role in the evening's success. A food truck featured two chefs, one Arab-Israeli, the other Jewish-Israeli, who worked together to create fusion dishes that reflected both their cultures (gefilte fish with knafeh anyone?). Chef Elias Mattar from the northern Galilee region and Chef Marcus Gershkowitz, co-owner of Jerusalem's famous Angelica restaurant, demonstrated cuisine from their kitchens.
Arab and Jewish DJs performed in a number of downtown bars during the after party, proving once again the power of music to break down boundaries.
Sunday, 21 December 2014
Reading an article this morning in the British press about bladder cancer has prompted me to share my story of a health issue that happened to me earlier this year. As many of you know I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis last year. Diverticulitis is not a life threatening decease in short its series of polyps on the colon that get infected in some cases part of the colon is removed if the pain and infection is sever as happened with me. They removed 10cm from my colon and that was that it was amazing. After 4 months I went back to hospital for a full medical check up. I was feeling fine and no symptoms of pain etc in fact I never felt healthier. I had a series of tests to make sure all was okay since my opp. It was during an ultrasound check that the technician discovered a small spot on my bladder and informed me that it needed to be investigated. Being the hypochondriac that I am, I started to panic and the word cancer started to flash in front of my eyes.
Recovery: Model Patti Hansen, with husband Keith Richards, who was diagnosed with the disease in 2007
I immediately went to see my Urologist, who also did an ultrasound check and confirmed a tiny spot on the left hand side of my bladder. He proceeded to ask me a series of questions i.e did I have blood in my urine or any discomfort. Although I had none of these symptoms I was still terrified. Expecting him to put me on a series of medication he told me that I needed to be operated on to remove the spot and to find out what it was. I asked him did he think there was possibility of cancer and without hesitation he replied ‘YES!’ I almost collapsed there and then I could feel the blood rushing from my face. I was shaking like a leaf. He told me he wanted to do this as soon as possible and week later I was back in the same operating theatre that I was in a year earlier having my Diverticulitis operation. I stayed in hospital for two days after the opp and told that it would be approx 10 days before the Urologist would have a result of the biopsy.
Those ten days were the worst ten days of my life. I really thought this was it. I started researching every article I could find on Google re Bladder Cancer, not always a good idea all I succeeded in doing was making myself even more scared.
I hardly slept over those ten days it was simply agonising mental torture, going over and over in my mind trying to convince myself that everything would be alright after all it as such a small spot it just couldn't be cancer.
The most high-profile patient in recent years is Dame Mary Archer, 70, the wife of author and politician Jeffrey, who was diagnosed with the disease in 2010
Eventually the day came when I was ushered into my surgeon’s rooms. He greeted me with a big smile and as cheerful as ever, I thought that to be a positive sign. As sat facing him at his desk waiting for him to deliver the news he seemed to take an age on his computer looking up my diagnoses. Eventually I interrupted him trying to sound confident and slightly jovial I asked ‘Well, is it cancer?’ without looking up and continuing to study the report on the computer he answered in a matter of fact way ‘yes’ and that three letter word was all it took to destroy my world, my life there and then. I was imagining months in hospital having chemotherapy followed by hair and weight lost and then death!! My father died of cancer at the same age so this only confirmed my worst fears. But explained that I am at the T1 stage and it was such a small spot that has been removed that I should have no worries. I will need to come back once a week for six weeks to have what he called a small maintenance procedure that takes seconds and then every 3 months for a camera to have a look at the bladder to see if the spot has returned and after that twice a year then once a year. Boy, was I relived, no chemotherapy, no more stays or surgery in hospital. I still couldn’t believe I actually had cancer of the bladder no matter how small and knew nothing about it and probably wouldn’t have known until the cancer became a lot more aggressive and by that stage who knows what would happen as the survival rate for advanced cancer of the bladder is only 15%!
I remember coming out of the hospital clutching the report and phoning my son who would then let the rest of the family know the results. I started as usual feeling sorry for myself saying ‘Why me?’ he said: ‘Dad do you not realise how lucky you are? If you hadn’t had the Diverticulitis operation they would never have found that spot on your bladder, you had no symptoms of bladder problems and by the time you did have problems and had to see the doctor it could have been too late, so thank god that it was spotted in such and early stage.' He was, of course, 100% correct. I do thank god every day. I have now been back for 3 camera tests over the last nine months and there has been no sign of the spot returning.
Like most men, we don’t like going to the doctor no matter how ill we feel, we always fear the worst. But after this scare I advice you men to please get regular medical checkups and if they do find anything it is best that it should be found at an early stage rather than when it has progressed into something a lot more serious.
Reading an article this morning in the British press about bladder cancer has prompted me to share my story of a health issue that happened to me earlier this year. As many of you know I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis last year. Diverticulitis is not a life threatening decease in short its series of polyps on the colon that get infected in some cases part of the colon is removed if the pain and infection is sever as happened with me. They removed 10cm from my colon and that was that it was amazing. After 4 months I went back to hospital for a full medical check up. I was feeling fine and no symptoms of pain etc in fact I never felt healthier. I had a series of tests to make sure all was okay since my opp. It was during an ultrasound check that the technician discovered a small spot on my bladder and informed me that it needed to be investigated. Being the hypochondriac that I am, I started to panic and the word cancer started to flash in front of my eyes.
Recovery: Model Patti Hansen, with husband Keith Richards, who was diagnosed with the disease in 2007
I immediately went to see my Urologist, who also did an ultrasound check and confirmed a tiny spot on the left hand side of my bladder. He proceeded to ask me a series of questions i.e did I have blood in my urine or any discomfort. Although I had none of these symptoms I was still terrified. Expecting him to put me on a series of medication he told me that I needed to be operated on to remove the spot and to find out what it was. I asked him did he think there was possibility of cancer and without hesitation he replied ‘YES!’ I almost collapsed there and then I could feel the blood rushing from my face. I was shaking like a leaf. He told me he wanted to do this as soon as possible and week later I was back in the same operating theatre that I was in a year earlier having my Diverticulitis operation. I stayed in hospital for two days after the opp and told that it would be approx 10 days before the Urologist would have a result of the biopsy.
Those ten days were the worst ten days of my life. I really thought this was it. I started researching every article I could find on Google re Bladder Cancer, not always a good idea all I succeeded in doing was making myself even more scared.
I hardly slept over those ten days it was simply agonising mental torture, going over and over in my mind trying to convince myself that everything would be alright after all it as such a small spot it just couldn't be cancer.
The most high-profile patient in recent years is Dame Mary Archer, 70, the wife of author and politician Jeffrey, who was diagnosed with the disease in 2010
Eventually the day came when I was ushered into my surgeon’s rooms. He greeted me with a big smile and as cheerful as ever, I thought that to be a positive sign. As sat facing him at his desk waiting for him to deliver the news he seemed to take an age on his computer looking up my diagnoses. Eventually I interrupted him trying to sound confident and slightly jovial I asked ‘Well, is it cancer?’ without looking up and continuing to study the report on the computer he answered in a matter of fact way ‘yes’ and that three letter word was all it took to destroy my world, my life there and then. I was imagining months in hospital having chemotherapy followed by hair and weight lost and then death!! My father died of cancer at the same age so this only confirmed my worst fears. But explained that I am at the T1 stage and it was such a small spot that has been removed that I should have no worries. I will need to come back once a week for six weeks to have what he called a small maintenance procedure that takes seconds and then every 3 months for a camera to have a look at the bladder to see if the spot has returned and after that twice a year then once a year. Boy, was I relived, no chemotherapy, no more stays or surgery in hospital. I still couldn’t believe I actually had cancer of the bladder no matter how small and knew nothing about it and probably wouldn’t have known until the cancer became a lot more aggressive and by that stage who knows what would happen as the survival rate for advanced cancer of the bladder is only 15%!
I remember coming out of the hospital clutching the report and phoning my son who would then let the rest of the family know the results. I started as usual feeling sorry for myself saying ‘Why me?’ he said: ‘Dad do you not realise how lucky you are? If you hadn’t had the Diverticulitis operation they would never have found that spot on your bladder, you had no symptoms of bladder problems and by the time you did have problems and had to see the doctor it could have been too late, so thank god that it was spotted in such and early stage.' He was, of course, 100% correct. I do thank god every day. I have now been back for 3 camera tests over the last nine months and there has been no sign of the spot returning.
Like most men, we don’t like going to the doctor no matter how ill we feel, we always fear the worst. But after this scare I advice you men to please get regular medical checkups and if they do find anything it is best that it should be found at an early stage rather than when it has progressed into something a lot more serious.
Thursday, 18 December 2014

Bradley Boland lights the 3rd Hanukkah candle
Zac Boland cool dude!
Jayden 'the Dennis the Menace' in the Boland family.
How blessed Wendy and myself are to have a family like we have. 3 wonderful successful sons , beyond beautiful Daughters in Law and grandchildren. All blessed with health, wealth and happiness. All I can say is I thank the almighty every day.
How sorry I feel for those who are alone this Christmas and Hanukkah. Those who are in poor health, those who are struggling to make ends meet. Those who are full of bitterness and anger. I ask, as I do every year, Invite someone in, a stranger or just someone you might know who's alone and let them enjoy the warmth of your family.

How blessed Wendy and myself are to have a family like we have. 3 wonderful successful sons , beyond beautiful Daughters in Law and grandchildren. All blessed with health, wealth and happiness. All I can say is I thank the almighty every day.
How sorry I feel for those who are alone this Christmas and Hanukkah. Those who are in poor health, those who are struggling to make ends meet. Those who are full of bitterness and anger. I ask, as I do every year, Invite someone in, a stranger or just someone you might know who's alone and let them enjoy the warmth of your family.
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Released by Taliban spokesman Mohammad Khurasani, the photographs show six heavily armed men posing in front of a white Islamic banner shortly before the attack in Peshawar, Pakistan which saw the slaughter of 140 children and the burning alive of thier teachers in front of them. In an email released this morning, Khurasani attempted to justify the massacre by claiming that the Pakistani army has long killed the innocent children and families of Taliban fighters. He vowed more such militant attacks and told Pakistani civilians to detach themselves from all military institutions.
Released by Taliban spokesman Mohammad Khurasani, the photographs show six heavily armed men posing in front of a white Islamic banner shortly before the attack in Peshawar, Pakistan which saw the slaughter of 140 children and the burning alive of thier teachers in front of them. In an email released this morning, Khurasani attempted to justify the massacre by claiming that the Pakistani army has long killed the innocent children and families of Taliban fighters. He vowed more such militant attacks and told Pakistani civilians to detach themselves from all military institutions.
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Why can't the world deal with this Islamic war against us?? Enough is fucking enough!!!
BREAKING NEWS: Our classmates were shot in front of us… I felt bullets flying past my head': Boy aged 10 recounts horror of seeing friends gunned down in Pakistani school slaughter as Taliban fighters massacred more than 140 children. Gunmen in Peshawar entered school and started shooting at random. One terrorist blew himself up in a classroom containing 60 children .TeacherS set on fire in front of pupils, with the children forced to watch.
Malala who was shot by the Taliban simply because she wanted to be educated speak out about the massacre.
While the world mourns for these poor innocent children and their families I got to think how long will it be before some senseless half brain will start to draw Israel into this atrocity. I didn't have to wait long before Francis Butler started mouthing off on my Facebook. You really can't get much lower than that. I suppose Israel is to also blame for the slaughter in Australia on Monday and the thousands of refuges dying of hunger in the dessert of Egypt. Their are some senseless sick people out there but he tops them all and anyone else that thinks like them. But I realise unless they are hating they are unhappy. How sad they must be.
Tonight was the first night Hanukkah, the first candle was lit. At out synagogue we had a dinner to celebrate the festival of lights. There must have been about 400 at the dinner including many ministers from the Ayuntamento including the deputy mayor, the tourism minister and the chief of police. Each in turn were invited to light a candle Jew and non Jew alike. An example to many other countries , Marbella lives in harmony with their Muslim brothers as was shown this evening with the arrival of Mufti of Marbella. Seen her with Raphael Cohen the president of the Jewish community and Non Vice Consul of Israel for Andalusia.
Why can't the world deal with this Islamic war against us?? Enough is fucking enough!!!
BREAKING NEWS: Our classmates were shot in front of us… I felt bullets flying past my head': Boy aged 10 recounts horror of seeing friends gunned down in Pakistani school slaughter as Taliban fighters massacred more than 140 children. Gunmen in Peshawar entered school and started shooting at random. One terrorist blew himself up in a classroom containing 60 children .TeacherS set on fire in front of pupils, with the children forced to watch.
Malala who was shot by the Taliban simply because she wanted to be educated speak out about the massacre.
While the world mourns for these poor innocent children and their families I got to think how long will it be before some senseless half brain will start to draw Israel into this atrocity. I didn't have to wait long before Francis Butler started mouthing off on my Facebook. You really can't get much lower than that. I suppose Israel is to also blame for the slaughter in Australia on Monday and the thousands of refuges dying of hunger in the dessert of Egypt. Their are some senseless sick people out there but he tops them all and anyone else that thinks like them. But I realise unless they are hating they are unhappy. How sad they must be.
Tonight was the first night Hanukkah, the first candle was lit. At out synagogue we had a dinner to celebrate the festival of lights. There must have been about 400 at the dinner including many ministers from the Ayuntamento including the deputy mayor, the tourism minister and the chief of police. Each in turn were invited to light a candle Jew and non Jew alike. An example to many other countries , Marbella lives in harmony with their Muslim brothers as was shown this evening with the arrival of Mufti of Marbella. Seen her with Raphael Cohen the president of the Jewish community and Non Vice Consul of Israel for Andalusia.
Faces of the victims: Heroic Sydney cafe manager, 34, shot dead as he grabbed terrorist's gun to protect hostages - and the brilliant young barrister and mother of three who died after the siege ended
Faces of the victims: Heroic Sydney cafe manager, 34, shot dead as he grabbed terrorist's gun to protect hostages - and the brilliant young barrister and mother of three who died after the siege ended
Monday, 15 December 2014
This is how the scam works: This morning I got a private message on my Facebook from a well known friend of mine. It started off by asking about myself and family etc etc. I asked how she was etc. She then asked me had I heard about her news. I said no. She told me she won 100,000 Euro on a random draw withe a Casino who is in partnership with Facebook. This sounded odd, so I asked her if she had received the wings. She said that the cash was couriered over within 3 days. As I know this woman well I believed her after all why would she lie to me?
Naturally I was now getting excited. I asked had she a contact for this company. She gave me their Facebook page, so I messaged them, A Mr Drake came back almost immediately. I introduced myself and said that I was informed I was on a winners list. He asked for my email address and telephone number, which I gave him after all my friend confirmed she'd been paid out. He said he'd get back to me. Meanwhile I still had my friend on messenger. I asked her if was she sure she has had the 100,000 again she confirmed she had received it within 3 days and confirmed she had banked it. She kept asking why I'm doubting her?
The Mr Drake was now on his messenger confirming I had in fact won a substantial amount. I was now very excited, I asked him how much? He asked first to fill in a few questions address, married status, am I home owner etc. I ignored this , He already had my email and Tel No He then asked for a copy of my drivers license. I then messaged my friend and asked her what her mobile number was she said she away on vacation (that was odd she would never use the word vacation she would of said holidays) and her phone did not roam. Mr Drake was now on the other messenger telling me I had won 250,000 Euro and that he would immediately arrange this amount to be dispatched to me. Did I want in cash or bank draft? I said CASH!!
Meanwhile I was back on my friends messenger asking for a family or friends mobile number. She then said she was getting very annoyed that I was doubting her. I then asked her, her late husbands name. It was only after a prolonged delay that she answered and was correct. Could all this be true? After all he didn't ask for my bank account number (which is normal in this type of scam) I ws still waiting for the scam. It didn't take long, Mr Drake asked for 1,000 Euto up front to cover the cost of a special cash carrying courier service. I was in no doubt now that I was being caught up in a scam and my friend wasn't who her Facebook said she was , her Facebook had been hacked. I told him I would report this to the internet police in Malaga. With that both of them disappeared. What an idiot if I bumped into my friend next week and she asked me had I received my 250,000 Euro
This is how the scam works: This morning I got a private message on my Facebook from a well known friend of mine. It started off by asking about myself and family etc etc. I asked how she was etc. She then asked me had I heard about her news. I said no. She told me she won 100,000 Euro on a random draw withe a Casino who is in partnership with Facebook. This sounded odd, so I asked her if she had received the wings. She said that the cash was couriered over within 3 days. As I know this woman well I believed her after all why would she lie to me?
Naturally I was now getting excited. I asked had she a contact for this company. She gave me their Facebook page, so I messaged them, A Mr Drake came back almost immediately. I introduced myself and said that I was informed I was on a winners list. He asked for my email address and telephone number, which I gave him after all my friend confirmed she'd been paid out. He said he'd get back to me. Meanwhile I still had my friend on messenger. I asked her if was she sure she has had the 100,000 again she confirmed she had received it within 3 days and confirmed she had banked it. She kept asking why I'm doubting her?
The Mr Drake was now on his messenger confirming I had in fact won a substantial amount. I was now very excited, I asked him how much? He asked first to fill in a few questions address, married status, am I home owner etc. I ignored this , He already had my email and Tel No He then asked for a copy of my drivers license. I then messaged my friend and asked her what her mobile number was she said she away on vacation (that was odd she would never use the word vacation she would of said holidays) and her phone did not roam. Mr Drake was now on the other messenger telling me I had won 250,000 Euro and that he would immediately arrange this amount to be dispatched to me. Did I want in cash or bank draft? I said CASH!!
Meanwhile I was back on my friends messenger asking for a family or friends mobile number. She then said she was getting very annoyed that I was doubting her. I then asked her, her late husbands name. It was only after a prolonged delay that she answered and was correct. Could all this be true? After all he didn't ask for my bank account number (which is normal in this type of scam) I ws still waiting for the scam. It didn't take long, Mr Drake asked for 1,000 Euto up front to cover the cost of a special cash carrying courier service. I was in no doubt now that I was being caught up in a scam and my friend wasn't who her Facebook said she was , her Facebook had been hacked. I told him I would report this to the internet police in Malaga. With that both of them disappeared. What an idiot if I bumped into my friend next week and she asked me had I received my 250,000 Euro
Sunday, 14 December 2014
The frequent boycott campaigns against Israel can be better understood in light of the false centrality given to the Palestinian-Israeli issue. Human rights NGOs frequently make biased statements because they are fully aware they stand to receive greater media attention when talking about this conflict than about others.
This is very convenient for the Arab and Muslim leadership. It draws attention away from the many atrocities and high criminality occurring daily in parts of their world. This has been going on for decades. In the 1980s, nearly 1.5 million people died in the Iran- Iraq war. For decades, large numbers of Christians have been forced to flee, having been chased out or murdered. In Syria, there are by now around 200,000 dead and nine million refugees. The cruelty of the Islamic State movement seems to exceed that of what the world has so far seen in the Islamic world. Yet there are also reports that certain Shi’ite tribes, fighting on the side of the Iraqi government and its American supporters, commit similar crimes.
There is also a multitude of problems concerning Muslims in Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, Nigeria, Mali and many other countries. The Global Terror Index for 2013 shows that four movements account for 63 percent of all terrorist attacks against civilians. These four organizations are all Muslim movements. The West has been confronted with problems emanating from the Muslim world in various ways. The largest terrorist acts ever committed in the United States, the United Kingdom and Spain have all been caused by Muslims. The nuclear threat from Iran has led to Western sanctions. It is evident that the ongoing problems in and threats emanating from the Muslim world are the main geopolitical issues. Yet many Westerners have fallen for the Arab propaganda of the false centrality of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Prisoners are commonly tortured and beaten by both the Mutawwa'in and officials in the Ministry of Interior. Numerous prisoners have been executed -- by means of stoning, beheading, or firing squad -- for crimes ranging from “deviant sexual behaviour” to sorcery; other convicts have been punished by amputations or the loss of an eye. Prisoners are sometimes held for long periods of time without charge or trial.
Women are the victims of systematic discrimination in Saudi Arabia. Domestic violence and rape are widespread problems, and women have no redress when victimized by such crimes. Nor can women travel, be admitted to a hospital, or drive a car without their husbands’ permission. Buses are segregated, and women must sit in the rear.
Jordanian security forces use torture on a regular basis. It is common for prisoners to be held without charges, to be prevented from meeting with lawyers, and to be kept in unsanitary conditions; Women are at a distinct legal and social disadvantage in Jordan. Social security, inheritance, divorce, and testimony laws all favor men. Marital rape and wife-beating are permitted by law (can you believe what I’ve just written, ‘wife beating is permitted!’) and "honor crimes" (domestic violence committed against women by men who feel the women have undermined their honor by their "immoral behavior") receive minimal sentences.
The Lebanese government and army do not respect human rights, and the several terrorist organizations that are headquartered within the country commit many abuses as well. Arbitrary arrests are common, and some prisoners are held for long periods of time without trials or charges. The use of torture is widespread. Many political prisoners have disappeared or died without explanation while awaiting trial.
In the areas of Lebanon controlled by the Syrian-backed militia Hezbollah, only Islamic law is applied; in the independent Palestinian refugee camps in the south, no specific legal system is empowered AND Palestinians are systematically slaughtered.
Forced labour is not illegal in Lebanon, and many foreign servants, women, and children are compelled to work against their will. Child labor in general is rampant. Child abuse, kidnappings, and even the sale of children to adoption agencies are relatively common, and are ignored by the government.
Arbitrary arrests, torture and disappearances of prisoners all occur regularly. Syrian, Lebanese, and Jordanian political prisoners have been held incommunicado by the government for long periods of time, as have missing Israeli soldiers captured by Syria and by Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based terrorist organization it backs. Prisoners captured as many as twenty years ago remain unaccounted for.
Many financial laws, such as those pertaining to inheritance and social security, discriminate against women, and the punishment for adultery by women is twice as severe as the punishment for the same transgression committed by men. Women cannot travel outside the country without their husbands’ permission.
Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces use arbitrary arrest and prolonged detention as methods of quashing dissent. Lack of due process is prevalent in court proceedings. The PA executive and security services frequently ignore or fail to enforce court decisions.
PA security commonly closes down media outlets and bans publications or broadcasts whose reports paint the Palestinian Authority in an unflattering light, and periodically harasses or detains members of the media who are responsible for such reports.
Palestinian women endure various forms of social prejudice and repression within their society. Because of early marriage, girls frequently do not finish the mandatory level of schooling. Elderly men take wives as young at 8, who often die do to early sexual abuse!
The only true democracy in the Middle East is Israel.
Prisoners are commonly tortured and beaten by both the Mutawwa'in and officials in the Ministry of Interior. Numerous prisoners have been executed -- by means of stoning, beheading, or firing squad -- for crimes ranging from “deviant sexual behaviour” to sorcery; other convicts have been punished by amputations or the loss of an eye. Prisoners are sometimes held for long periods of time without charge or trial.
Women are the victims of systematic discrimination in Saudi Arabia. Domestic violence and rape are widespread problems, and women have no redress when victimized by such crimes. Nor can women travel, be admitted to a hospital, or drive a car without their husbands’ permission. Buses are segregated, and women must sit in the rear.
Jordanian security forces use torture on a regular basis. It is common for prisoners to be held without charges, to be prevented from meeting with lawyers, and to be kept in unsanitary conditions; Women are at a distinct legal and social disadvantage in Jordan. Social security, inheritance, divorce, and testimony laws all favor men. Marital rape and wife-beating are permitted by law (can you believe what I’ve just written, ‘wife beating is permitted!’) and "honor crimes" (domestic violence committed against women by men who feel the women have undermined their honor by their "immoral behavior") receive minimal sentences.
The Lebanese government and army do not respect human rights, and the several terrorist organizations that are headquartered within the country commit many abuses as well. Arbitrary arrests are common, and some prisoners are held for long periods of time without trials or charges. The use of torture is widespread. Many political prisoners have disappeared or died without explanation while awaiting trial.
In the areas of Lebanon controlled by the Syrian-backed militia Hezbollah, only Islamic law is applied; in the independent Palestinian refugee camps in the south, no specific legal system is empowered AND Palestinians are systematically slaughtered.
Forced labour is not illegal in Lebanon, and many foreign servants, women, and children are compelled to work against their will. Child labor in general is rampant. Child abuse, kidnappings, and even the sale of children to adoption agencies are relatively common, and are ignored by the government.
Arbitrary arrests, torture and disappearances of prisoners all occur regularly. Syrian, Lebanese, and Jordanian political prisoners have been held incommunicado by the government for long periods of time, as have missing Israeli soldiers captured by Syria and by Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based terrorist organization it backs. Prisoners captured as many as twenty years ago remain unaccounted for.
Many financial laws, such as those pertaining to inheritance and social security, discriminate against women, and the punishment for adultery by women is twice as severe as the punishment for the same transgression committed by men. Women cannot travel outside the country without their husbands’ permission.
Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces use arbitrary arrest and prolonged detention as methods of quashing dissent. Lack of due process is prevalent in court proceedings. The PA executive and security services frequently ignore or fail to enforce court decisions.
PA security commonly closes down media outlets and bans publications or broadcasts whose reports paint the Palestinian Authority in an unflattering light, and periodically harasses or detains members of the media who are responsible for such reports.
Palestinian women endure various forms of social prejudice and repression within their society. Because of early marriage, girls frequently do not finish the mandatory level of schooling. Elderly men take wives as young at 8, who often die do to early sexual abuse!
The only true democracy in the Middle East is Israel.
In the Boland household we not only have a Menorah for Hanukkah but a Christmas tree as well as I love Christmas
The eight-day Jewish celebration known as Hanukkah or Chanukah commemorates the rededication during the second century B.C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where according to legend Jews had risen up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors in the Maccabean Revolt. Hanukkah, which means “dedication” in Hebrew, begins on the 25th of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar and usually falls in November or December. Often called the Festival of Lights, the holiday is celebrated with the lighting of the menorah, traditional foods, games and gifts.
Next Tuesday the 16th December we light the first Hanukkah candle and the 8th on the 24th.
I wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah may wev only know good health, happiness and peace. Shalom (the Hebrew word for peace)
In the Boland household we not only have a Menorah for Hanukkah but a Christmas tree as well as I love Christmas
The eight-day Jewish celebration known as Hanukkah or Chanukah commemorates the rededication during the second century B.C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where according to legend Jews had risen up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors in the Maccabean Revolt. Hanukkah, which means “dedication” in Hebrew, begins on the 25th of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar and usually falls in November or December. Often called the Festival of Lights, the holiday is celebrated with the lighting of the menorah, traditional foods, games and gifts.
Next Tuesday the 16th December we light the first Hanukkah candle and the 8th on the 24th.
I wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah may wev only know good health, happiness and peace. Shalom (the Hebrew word for peace)
Saturday, 13 December 2014
The female sex slave handbook
A pamphlet handed out by ISIS militants answers over 27 questions, and approves the enslavement, rape - including of prepubescent girls - and sale of sex slaves.
Q: "Can all unbelieving women be taken captive?" reads one question, taken from the translation done by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
The answer: "There is no dispute among the scholars that it is permissible to capture unbelieving women [IE any non-Muslim woman]."
The next question: "Can one have intercourse with a female captive?"
Answer: "It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with the female captive. Allah the almighty said: '[Successful are the believers] who guard their chastity, except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then they are free from blame [Koran 23:5-6]'..."
Once laying the groundwork for the legality of female sex slaves, the pamphlet expounds upon what kind of sex.
"If she is a virgin, he [her master] can have intercourse with her immediately," explains the pamphlet. "However, if she isn't, her uterus must be purified [first]…" How to purify a uterus is not explained in the pamphlet.
What about child sex slavery? ISIS has an answer for that as well.
Q: "Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female slave who has not reached puberty 12 years and under?"
A: "It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn't reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse."
The 27 questions and answers of the pamphlet translated by MEMRI reveal a systematic look into sexual slavery, answering a variety of questions, such as if one can sleep with two sisters , buying and selling slaves and covering up the slave during prayer.
Harrowing personal accounts from female escapees of ISIS's sexual slavery have been flowing into the media over the last few months. This pamphlet's publishing implies that questions concerning sexual slavery were becoming frequent following ISIS's rise. Unfortunately, this confirms reports of thousands of Yazidi woman and other minorities being taken into sexual slavery by the terrorist group.
The only thing that seems to bother Bloggers are historic Celebrity sex cases. SICK!!!
The female sex slave handbook
A pamphlet handed out by ISIS militants answers over 27 questions, and approves the enslavement, rape - including of prepubescent girls - and sale of sex slaves.
Q: "Can all unbelieving women be taken captive?" reads one question, taken from the translation done by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
The answer: "There is no dispute among the scholars that it is permissible to capture unbelieving women [IE any non-Muslim woman]."
The next question: "Can one have intercourse with a female captive?"
Answer: "It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with the female captive. Allah the almighty said: '[Successful are the believers] who guard their chastity, except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then they are free from blame [Koran 23:5-6]'..."
Once laying the groundwork for the legality of female sex slaves, the pamphlet expounds upon what kind of sex.
"If she is a virgin, he [her master] can have intercourse with her immediately," explains the pamphlet. "However, if she isn't, her uterus must be purified [first]…" How to purify a uterus is not explained in the pamphlet.
What about child sex slavery? ISIS has an answer for that as well.
Q: "Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female slave who has not reached puberty 12 years and under?"
A: "It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn't reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse."
The 27 questions and answers of the pamphlet translated by MEMRI reveal a systematic look into sexual slavery, answering a variety of questions, such as if one can sleep with two sisters , buying and selling slaves and covering up the slave during prayer.
Harrowing personal accounts from female escapees of ISIS's sexual slavery have been flowing into the media over the last few months. This pamphlet's publishing implies that questions concerning sexual slavery were becoming frequent following ISIS's rise. Unfortunately, this confirms reports of thousands of Yazidi woman and other minorities being taken into sexual slavery by the terrorist group.
The only thing that seems to bother Bloggers are historic Celebrity sex cases. SICK!!!
A British television news reporter has revealed that Palestinian demonstrators near the West Bank village of Turmusaya prevented an Israeli medic from providing aid to a Palestinian Authority official who collapsed after he shoved and verbally abused Israeli officers on the scene.
In a live report for the UK’s Sky News broadcaster, Middle East correspondent Tom Rayner reported that Ziad Abu Ein, a convicted terrorist who was appointed by the PA to organize campaigns against Jewish settlements in the West Bank, was lying on the ground “unconscious” after the clash – although separate footage shot by Kremlin broadcaster RT displayed Abu Ein conscious and sitting up after his altercation with the IDF officers.
“When he’s on the floor, an Israeli medic does come up to him, she tries to clear an area around him, but Palestinians pick him up and take him straight to a vehicle,” Rayner said, in footage viewed by The Algemeiner. The medic was “not able to deliver any first aid,” Rayner continued, and Abu Ein was “declared dead when he got to a hospital in Ramallah. Rayner added: "He should never have been moved by the mob that surrounded him, if they had let the Israeli medics attend him as they tired to do, he might be alive today."
A liitle about this ex terrorist known as Ziad Abu Ein (55), a senior Palestinian Authority (PA) official, died in Ramallah on Wednesday after suffering a heart attack during a 300-strong "protest march" in Samaria according to IDF appraisals; reportedly he had high blood-pressure and diabetes.
Abu Ein was a member of Abbas's Fatah movement's Revolutionary Council, which is also known as the Abu Nidal Organization - a recognized terrorist organization in the US for over 20 years.
After a string of bloody terror attacks conducted worldwide in the mid 1980s, the Revolutionary Council was labeled as the world's most dangerous terrorist organization according to the Council on Foreign Relations website. It remains on the US State Department's official list of foreign terrorist organizations, although it is thought to be largely inactive at present.
And Abu Ein's terrorist past is not just a matter of guilt by association.
Abu Ein himself was handed a life sentence in Israel in 1982 after being extradited from the US in 1981 over the murder of two Israelis in Tiberias in 1979. Abu Ein planted the explosives which killed the two - Boaz Lahav and David Lankri.
CHEMICAL ATTACK: A terrorist attacked a father and his four children all under the age of 10 with acid as they drove near Betar Illit, a settlement town south of Jerusalem.
The attackers approached the vehicle and hurled the acid through the window. The father, mother and four children suffered burns but are in stable condition. The attacker went on to chase an additional person with a sharpened screwdriver, was pursued and shot in the leg by an armed civilian. He was then apprehended by police.
The terrorist was identified as Palestinian Jamal Shaharne, and is from the village of Nahalin, just a stone's throw from Betar Illit.
Over the summer, the Israeli media highlighted a phenomenon that is both intriguing and encouraging: a movement among Israel’s Christian Arabs advocating that their community be drafted into the Israel Defense Forces, along with the country’s Jewish and Druze citizens.
Historically, Israel’s Arab citizens have been exempted from mandatory conscription. There have been exceptions — many Bedouin, for example, have served with distinction in the IDF — but those who actually volunteer are a tiny minority. At the same time, many Arabs have complained, not without justification, that the exemption marginalizes them, keeping them from participating fully in Israeli life.
That now appears to be changing, against the background of a broader reassessment of the conscription policy. Earlier this year, a Knesset committee headed by Science and Technology Minister Jacob Perry approved measures that would draft the majority of charedi men — another minority that largely has avoided military service — with criminal sanctions waiting in the wings in the case that draft quotas are not met.
A British television news reporter has revealed that Palestinian demonstrators near the West Bank village of Turmusaya prevented an Israeli medic from providing aid to a Palestinian Authority official who collapsed after he shoved and verbally abused Israeli officers on the scene.
In a live report for the UK’s Sky News broadcaster, Middle East correspondent Tom Rayner reported that Ziad Abu Ein, a convicted terrorist who was appointed by the PA to organize campaigns against Jewish settlements in the West Bank, was lying on the ground “unconscious” after the clash – although separate footage shot by Kremlin broadcaster RT displayed Abu Ein conscious and sitting up after his altercation with the IDF officers.
“When he’s on the floor, an Israeli medic does come up to him, she tries to clear an area around him, but Palestinians pick him up and take him straight to a vehicle,” Rayner said, in footage viewed by The Algemeiner. The medic was “not able to deliver any first aid,” Rayner continued, and Abu Ein was “declared dead when he got to a hospital in Ramallah. Rayner added: "He should never have been moved by the mob that surrounded him, if they had let the Israeli medics attend him as they tired to do, he might be alive today."
A liitle about this ex terrorist known as Ziad Abu Ein (55), a senior Palestinian Authority (PA) official, died in Ramallah on Wednesday after suffering a heart attack during a 300-strong "protest march" in Samaria according to IDF appraisals; reportedly he had high blood-pressure and diabetes.
Abu Ein was a member of Abbas's Fatah movement's Revolutionary Council, which is also known as the Abu Nidal Organization - a recognized terrorist organization in the US for over 20 years.
After a string of bloody terror attacks conducted worldwide in the mid 1980s, the Revolutionary Council was labeled as the world's most dangerous terrorist organization according to the Council on Foreign Relations website. It remains on the US State Department's official list of foreign terrorist organizations, although it is thought to be largely inactive at present.
And Abu Ein's terrorist past is not just a matter of guilt by association.
Abu Ein himself was handed a life sentence in Israel in 1982 after being extradited from the US in 1981 over the murder of two Israelis in Tiberias in 1979. Abu Ein planted the explosives which killed the two - Boaz Lahav and David Lankri.
CHEMICAL ATTACK: A terrorist attacked a father and his four children all under the age of 10 with acid as they drove near Betar Illit, a settlement town south of Jerusalem.
The attackers approached the vehicle and hurled the acid through the window. The father, mother and four children suffered burns but are in stable condition. The attacker went on to chase an additional person with a sharpened screwdriver, was pursued and shot in the leg by an armed civilian. He was then apprehended by police.
The terrorist was identified as Palestinian Jamal Shaharne, and is from the village of Nahalin, just a stone's throw from Betar Illit.
Over the summer, the Israeli media highlighted a phenomenon that is both intriguing and encouraging: a movement among Israel’s Christian Arabs advocating that their community be drafted into the Israel Defense Forces, along with the country’s Jewish and Druze citizens.
Historically, Israel’s Arab citizens have been exempted from mandatory conscription. There have been exceptions — many Bedouin, for example, have served with distinction in the IDF — but those who actually volunteer are a tiny minority. At the same time, many Arabs have complained, not without justification, that the exemption marginalizes them, keeping them from participating fully in Israeli life.
That now appears to be changing, against the background of a broader reassessment of the conscription policy. Earlier this year, a Knesset committee headed by Science and Technology Minister Jacob Perry approved measures that would draft the majority of charedi men — another minority that largely has avoided military service — with criminal sanctions waiting in the wings in the case that draft quotas are not met.
Here's a headline in today's British press: 'Female Met officer taking over Madeleine McCann inquiry arrives in Portugal ahead of questioning of former suspect Robert Murat' The British government have continued the search for answers as to what happened to Madeleine when she disappeared in 2007 by continuing sending UK police out to Portugal to find out what happened to the young British citizen and rightly so. Here's what baffles me; why have the Irish government not used the same none stop enquirers to the disappearance of Irish citizen Amy Fitzpatrick who hasn't been heard of since she went baby sitting in 2008.
So why have we heard NOTHING from the Irish government or police. WHY?????
Perhaps it's time some Irish celebrities got behind the missing Amy case and give it some renewed interested. Bono comes to mind and why not Sir Bob etc...No matter what you think of her step dad, Amy was living among us and has disappeared without a trace for almost 8 years we surely owe it as a community to at least copy and paste this poster to keep her name alive. Thank you

After reading my posting both of these were sent to my Facebook
Here's a headline in today's British press: 'Female Met officer taking over Madeleine McCann inquiry arrives in Portugal ahead of questioning of former suspect Robert Murat' The British government have continued the search for answers as to what happened to Madeleine when she disappeared in 2007 by continuing sending UK police out to Portugal to find out what happened to the young British citizen and rightly so. Here's what baffles me; why have the Irish government not used the same none stop enquirers to the disappearance of Irish citizen Amy Fitzpatrick who hasn't been heard of since she went baby sitting in 2008.
So why have we heard NOTHING from the Irish government or police. WHY?????
Perhaps it's time some Irish celebrities got behind the missing Amy case and give it some renewed interested. Bono comes to mind and why not Sir Bob etc...No matter what you think of her step dad, Amy was living among us and has disappeared without a trace for almost 8 years we surely owe it as a community to at least copy and paste this poster to keep her name alive. Thank you

After reading my posting both of these were sent to my Facebook
Friday, 12 December 2014
Rosie O’Donnell, the world famous comedian is selling artwork on her website embossed with messages acutely critical of Israel’s actions during this summer’s hostilities with Hamas
This photograph just shows what cruel savages the Israeli's really are. Time after time we see photographs of children Hamas claim are being slaughtered by Israel.
But just a moment haven't we seen this photograph before? Yes of course we have , it was taken in Syria ! Poor old Rosie has been fooled by Palestinian propaganda. Ooops what a fucking plonker she must feel!!
The photo is titled “Israel Begins Bombing Gaza,” includes a description with this quote from O’Donnell: “This man carries a baby about the same age as the one I sit next to, watching Frozen.”
Another piece, embossed with the words “stop and think,” is also presented as describing “Israel and Gaza.” This second piece is displayed on O’Donnell’s website with the quote: “The death of innocent children never fails to kill a part of my soul.” Well if this is true dear Rose have you ever given a thought to the hundreds ISIS are murdering or the mentally handicapped children in North Korea? I suppose they don't count?
The merchandise section of O’Donnell’s website displays other offerings created by the “View” co-host, and says proceeds from sales will go to charitable arts education causes. The only two items with a political message are the anti-Israel pieces.
The actual photograph hangs in the Getty Museum with the caption: “An emergency response member carries a wounded child following an airstrike attack by government forces on the northern Syrian city of Aleppo on February 22, 2014. More than 140,000 Muslims, yes 140,000, have been killed in Syria’s conflict since March 2011, and millions more have fled their homes.Muslims slaughter Muslims”
Does the world care? they don't give a fuck!!!
This photograph just shows what cruel savages the Israeli's really are. Time after time we see photographs of children Hamas claim are being slaughtered by Israel.
But just a moment haven't we seen this photograph before? Yes of course we have , it was taken in Syria ! Poor old Rosie has been fooled by Palestinian propaganda. Ooops what a fucking plonker she must feel!!
The photo is titled “Israel Begins Bombing Gaza,” includes a description with this quote from O’Donnell: “This man carries a baby about the same age as the one I sit next to, watching Frozen.”
Another piece, embossed with the words “stop and think,” is also presented as describing “Israel and Gaza.” This second piece is displayed on O’Donnell’s website with the quote: “The death of innocent children never fails to kill a part of my soul.” Well if this is true dear Rose have you ever given a thought to the hundreds ISIS are murdering or the mentally handicapped children in North Korea? I suppose they don't count?
The merchandise section of O’Donnell’s website displays other offerings created by the “View” co-host, and says proceeds from sales will go to charitable arts education causes. The only two items with a political message are the anti-Israel pieces.
The actual photograph hangs in the Getty Museum with the caption: “An emergency response member carries a wounded child following an airstrike attack by government forces on the northern Syrian city of Aleppo on February 22, 2014. More than 140,000 Muslims, yes 140,000, have been killed in Syria’s conflict since March 2011, and millions more have fled their homes.Muslims slaughter Muslims”
Does the world care? they don't give a fuck!!!
The Islamic rules state that: "it’s alright to rape a slave “immediately after taking possession of her” and that it is “permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn’t reached puberty,13 years and under if she is fit for intercourse.”
I suppose that anti Semite wasters agree with this? I say that because they spend so much time banging on about Israel that this type of disgusting atrocities don't seem to worry them.
The sickening list appears to have been printed on December 3 by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) in-house publishers for their“Research and Fatwa Department”.
The document has been translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, an NGO based in Washington DC.
Researchers from the anti-extremism think tank Quilliam told the Independent that they believed it“can be traced back to some of ISIS’s most active propagandists.”
It’s known the Islamic State has kidnapped more than 2,500 women, and another 4,600 are missing.
And the only thing that seems to worry the Facebookers is some ex terrorist dies of a heart attack after confronting Israeli solders.
You are sick people.
Let me tell you why no one listens to you because you have no credibility because if you had you'd be shouting about demonstrating on behalf of the oppressed Tibetans, Georgians, Syrians, Armenians, Kurds, or even Ukrainians? Where are your BDS movements against the Chinese, the Russians, the Cubans, the Turks, or the Assad regime? And this is why you are not a person who cares about oppression, apartheid and murder, you are a nothing more tha a sad anti Semite pretending to be anti Zion.
The Islamic rules state that: "it’s alright to rape a slave “immediately after taking possession of her” and that it is “permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn’t reached puberty,13 years and under if she is fit for intercourse.”
I suppose that anti Semite wasters agree with this? I say that because they spend so much time banging on about Israel that this type of disgusting atrocities don't seem to worry them.
The sickening list appears to have been printed on December 3 by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) in-house publishers for their“Research and Fatwa Department”.
The document has been translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, an NGO based in Washington DC.
Researchers from the anti-extremism think tank Quilliam told the Independent that they believed it“can be traced back to some of ISIS’s most active propagandists.”
It’s known the Islamic State has kidnapped more than 2,500 women, and another 4,600 are missing.
And the only thing that seems to worry the Facebookers is some ex terrorist dies of a heart attack after confronting Israeli solders.
You are sick people.
Let me tell you why no one listens to you because you have no credibility because if you had you'd be shouting about demonstrating on behalf of the oppressed Tibetans, Georgians, Syrians, Armenians, Kurds, or even Ukrainians? Where are your BDS movements against the Chinese, the Russians, the Cubans, the Turks, or the Assad regime? And this is why you are not a person who cares about oppression, apartheid and murder, you are a nothing more tha a sad anti Semite pretending to be anti Zion.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
It was really odd being a guest on a radio show today. I'm not sure if I enjoyed being at the other end of an interview after so many years hosting the interviewing. I remember interviewing Sir Terry Wogan and after the show I was chatting to his wife Helen who told me Terry hates being interviewed and in a way I understand that. But what really amazed me was this email I recived. I have removed part of his email address as I'm not sure if he would be happy making it public:
From: bxxxxxxxxafe-international.com
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 5:07 PM
Hello,WE received you’re information from MARBELLA TVand RADIO.WE listen to this station in LA all the time.After hearing you’re voice,and you are selling houses in MARBELLA.WE thought that maybe you would like a change and make a lot more money:I We are setting up a tv show about selling houses;and we think mixing Marbella ;and BEVERLY HILLS CA.,is a great idea: If this is interesting to you MR.MAURICE BOLAND,we will arrange flights and all expenses paid,for you to come to LA ,to discuss project,and MONEY.
This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active.
Now what do I do??????
From: bxxxxxxxxafe-international.com
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 5:07 PM
Hello,WE received you’re information from MARBELLA TVand RADIO.WE listen to this station in LA all the time.After hearing you’re voice,and you are selling houses in MARBELLA.WE thought that maybe you would like a change and make a lot more money:I We are setting up a tv show about selling houses;and we think mixing Marbella ;and BEVERLY HILLS CA.,is a great idea: If this is interesting to you MR.MAURICE BOLAND,we will arrange flights and all expenses paid,for you to come to LA ,to discuss project,and MONEY.
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Now what do I do??????
As most of you know I've spent almost half my life on radio and television. My life in the public eye had been scrutinized by press and critics alike. It was the only life I knew and never thought in a million years it would end. But life is not predictable and my broadcasting career came to a halt over a year and a half ago. Being over 60 I didn't have a clue what to do in fact I only knew how to do one job and that was broadcasting, I was one of the pioneers of English TV and radio in Spain so it was no surprise that, that was the only job I felt qualified to do. Certainly retirement was never on the cards as those who know me will know I'm a committed workaholic. So I needed to get out there, pick myself up and get on with finding out a new direction. I felt at my age this would be almost impossible, but then again 'impossible' has never been part of my vocabulary
Thankfully unlike the U2 song 'I DID find what I was Looking For!' I found something that is as enjoyable as radio and certainly financially a whole lot more rewarding and that was in real estate. I joined one of the Costa Del Sols largest and most successful companies Bromley Estates Marbella and almost from the beginning (six months now) I have made a successful career of it. I suppose analyzing why at my age I've fitted into my life change so quickly is in the fact that I find it easy to connect with my clients and therefore immediately build up a trust between us, which is really important in this job. Another reason is that property buying and selling has always been a passion of mine ever since I bought my first home in Dublin back in the early '70s. Three of our homes have been featured in magazines including our present home in Marbella.
So, back to my invite to appear on radio today to talk about aspects of my life; as I said, its been over a year and a half since I said goodbye to my life on radio and the big question everyone asks is 'do I miss it?' Of course I would be lying If I simply said 'NO', but I'm enjoying my reinvented life. A major difference in this job is the fact that instead of talking blind into a mic not knowing how many people are actually listening., I now get to meet interesting people almost every day from all walks of life and from different countries throughout the world. I get to see many interesting properties some stunning and some horrendous, but what my clients taste is, is not necessary mine. I am looking forward to see if the old feeling has comeback when I open the mic today. The interesting thing that very few of you might know I turned down a very good offer to return full time to radio about two months ago, I couldn't believe it when I actually said: 'thank you, but no thank you' Do I regret my refusal, not at all as the offer still stands. Will I ever return to broadcasting? The way my life has unfolded over the last five years in fact ALL my life nothing would surprise me. If you said two years ago that I would give up radio and become a Realtor I would have laughed at you! Life is full of surprises and challenges and I am blessed to be able to live in this life of mine.
So what about the band of critics that used to follow me around? I've learnt to ignore any critics as it's only pure jealousy that feeds their shallow daily life , in fact I can't believe that they still think of me important enough to follow, I suppose if they are out there I should feel in someway honored. But what is really important is the fact that almost one hundred people on my Facebook wished me luck and posted some very kind words apropos my radio appearance scheduled for this afternoon. Thank you. If there are any begrudgers out their I suppose they will get off on spewing out their jalousie and their on inadequacies on their Facebook's etc.
So lets see what happens. Meanwhile thank you for all of your amazing support, even after this long absence from broadcasting I am delighted that some of you out there are looking forward to my guest appearance today.
Thankfully unlike the U2 song 'I DID find what I was Looking For!' I found something that is as enjoyable as radio and certainly financially a whole lot more rewarding and that was in real estate. I joined one of the Costa Del Sols largest and most successful companies Bromley Estates Marbella and almost from the beginning (six months now) I have made a successful career of it. I suppose analyzing why at my age I've fitted into my life change so quickly is in the fact that I find it easy to connect with my clients and therefore immediately build up a trust between us, which is really important in this job. Another reason is that property buying and selling has always been a passion of mine ever since I bought my first home in Dublin back in the early '70s. Three of our homes have been featured in magazines including our present home in Marbella.
So, back to my invite to appear on radio today to talk about aspects of my life; as I said, its been over a year and a half since I said goodbye to my life on radio and the big question everyone asks is 'do I miss it?' Of course I would be lying If I simply said 'NO', but I'm enjoying my reinvented life. A major difference in this job is the fact that instead of talking blind into a mic not knowing how many people are actually listening., I now get to meet interesting people almost every day from all walks of life and from different countries throughout the world. I get to see many interesting properties some stunning and some horrendous, but what my clients taste is, is not necessary mine. I am looking forward to see if the old feeling has comeback when I open the mic today. The interesting thing that very few of you might know I turned down a very good offer to return full time to radio about two months ago, I couldn't believe it when I actually said: 'thank you, but no thank you' Do I regret my refusal, not at all as the offer still stands. Will I ever return to broadcasting? The way my life has unfolded over the last five years in fact ALL my life nothing would surprise me. If you said two years ago that I would give up radio and become a Realtor I would have laughed at you! Life is full of surprises and challenges and I am blessed to be able to live in this life of mine.
So what about the band of critics that used to follow me around? I've learnt to ignore any critics as it's only pure jealousy that feeds their shallow daily life , in fact I can't believe that they still think of me important enough to follow, I suppose if they are out there I should feel in someway honored. But what is really important is the fact that almost one hundred people on my Facebook wished me luck and posted some very kind words apropos my radio appearance scheduled for this afternoon. Thank you. If there are any begrudgers out their I suppose they will get off on spewing out their jalousie and their on inadequacies on their Facebook's etc.
So lets see what happens. Meanwhile thank you for all of your amazing support, even after this long absence from broadcasting I am delighted that some of you out there are looking forward to my guest appearance today.
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
'Islamic State beheads four children for refusing to convert to Islam'
Isis have beheaded four Christian children in Iraq for refusing to convert to Islam, a British vicar based in the country has claimed.
Canon Andrew White, who is known as the ‘vicar of Baghdad’, told Orthodox Christian Network that the killings happened in a Christian enclave close to Baghdad which has been taken over by Isis (formerly known as Islamic State).
Here's today's simple question. Idiots keep saying that America comes to Israel's aid inn the time of crisies (which we know is ridicules, Israeli pilots are the best in the world) The question is : Name one Arab state that support the Palestinians? YOU CAN'T...
Imagin if those was an Israeli film. Muslims have killed over 100,000 Muslims in the last couple of years and you scum bags have never bothered to say anything unless Israel is involved.This is why no one can ever take you serious it's your hatred for Israel that matters more than your love for Palestinians.
'Islamic State beheads four children for refusing to convert to Islam'
Isis have beheaded four Christian children in Iraq for refusing to convert to Islam, a British vicar based in the country has claimed.
Canon Andrew White, who is known as the ‘vicar of Baghdad’, told Orthodox Christian Network that the killings happened in a Christian enclave close to Baghdad which has been taken over by Isis (formerly known as Islamic State).
Here's today's simple question. Idiots keep saying that America comes to Israel's aid inn the time of crisies (which we know is ridicules, Israeli pilots are the best in the world) The question is : Name one Arab state that support the Palestinians? YOU CAN'T...
Imagin if those was an Israeli film. Muslims have killed over 100,000 Muslims in the last couple of years and you scum bags have never bothered to say anything unless Israel is involved.This is why no one can ever take you serious it's your hatred for Israel that matters more than your love for Palestinians.
Can you believe scum like this and unfortunately the uneducated Muslims believe him and unfortunately there are still non Muslims who think he's correct. As to highlight my point today's French newspapers are carrying this headline: 'Paris Jewish Community in Shock Over Rape, Home Invasion ‘Because You Are Jews.’ It's only the low lives who had behind the words "No I'm not an Anti Semite I'm an Anti Zionist" are as bad as he is and worse they are cowards."
Now a lesson for you. What is a Zionist? No I thought you didn't know so here what a Zionist is:
1. Anybody of Modern Jewry from the late 1880 to Present who believe that Jewish people whether religious or not should have their own land..
2. A substitute word for 'Jew' used by anti-Semites who, for whatever reason, wish to hide their racist intent.
SO THERE YOU HAVE IT: I AM A ZIONIST, NOT BECAUSE I HATE MUSLIMS (I DON'T) NOT BECAUSE I HATE ARABS (I DON'T) IT'S SIMPLY AS THE DEFINITION SAYS: I believe that Jewish people whether religious or not should have their own land.
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
What a fucking hypocrite! He asks the world to boycott Israeli goods but thanks to Israeli technology he can speak! the clue is on the back of his talking computer. Come on Stephen be true to yourself and show the world that you are passionate about boycotting Israel and throw away that computer and let a Palestinian develop the hardware instead...... No I didn't think so but at least you've stopped eating Jaffa oranges
The face of a hypocrite!!!
The face of a hypocrite!!!
Monday, 8 December 2014
If you are so sure that “Palestine , the country, goes back through most of recorded history,” I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of Palestine :
1) When was it founded and by whom?
2) What were its borders?
3) What was its capital?
4) What were its major cities?
5) What constituted the basis of its economy?
6) What was its form of government?
7) Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?
8) Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?
9) What was the language of the country of Palestine ?
10) What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ?
11) What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange RATE of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date.
And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?
You are lamenting the “low sinking” of a “once proud” nation. Please tell me, when exactly was that “nation” proud and what was it so proud of?
And here is the least sarcastic question of all: If the people you mistakenly call “Palestinians” are anything but generic Arabs collected from all over — or thrown out of — the Arab world, if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, why did they never try to become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in the Six Day War?
I hope you avoid the temptation to trace the modern day “Palestinians” to the Biblical Philistines: substituting etymology for history won’t work here.
The truth should be obvious to everyone who wants to know it. Arab countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel ; they still cherish it today. Having time and again failed to achieve their evil goal with military means, they decided to fight Israel by proxy. For that purpose, they created a terrorist organization, cynically called it “the Palestinian people” and INSTALLED it in Gaza , Judea, and Samaria . How else can you explain the refusal by Jordan and Egypt to unconditionally accept back the “West Bank” and Gaza , respectively?
The fact is, Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have much less claim to nationhood than that Indian tribe that successfully emerged in Connecticut with the purpose of starting a tax-exempt casino: at least that tribe had a constructive goal that motivated them. The so-called “Palestinians” have only one motivation: the destruction of Israel , and in my BOOK that is not sufficient to consider them a nation” — or anything else except what they really are: a terrorist organization that will one day be dismantled.
In fact, there is only one way to achieve peace in the Middle East . Arab countries must acknowledge and accept their defeat in their war against Israel and, as the losing side should, pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 years of devastation they have visited on it. The most appropriate form of such reparations would be the removal of their terrorist organization from the land of Israel and accepting Israel ‘s ancient sovereignty over Gaza , Judea, and Samaria.
That will mark the end of the Palestinian people. What are you saying again was its beginning?
If you are so sure that “Palestine , the country, goes back through most of recorded history,” I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of Palestine :
1) When was it founded and by whom?
2) What were its borders?
3) What was its capital?
4) What were its major cities?
5) What constituted the basis of its economy?
6) What was its form of government?
7) Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat?
8) Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?
9) What was the language of the country of Palestine ?
10) What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine ?
11) What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and tell what was the approximate exchange RATE of the Palestinian monetary unit against the US dollar, German mark, GB pound, Japanese yen, or Chinese yuan on that date.
And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?
You are lamenting the “low sinking” of a “once proud” nation. Please tell me, when exactly was that “nation” proud and what was it so proud of?
And here is the least sarcastic question of all: If the people you mistakenly call “Palestinians” are anything but generic Arabs collected from all over — or thrown out of — the Arab world, if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, why did they never try to become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat in the Six Day War?
I hope you avoid the temptation to trace the modern day “Palestinians” to the Biblical Philistines: substituting etymology for history won’t work here.
The truth should be obvious to everyone who wants to know it. Arab countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel ; they still cherish it today. Having time and again failed to achieve their evil goal with military means, they decided to fight Israel by proxy. For that purpose, they created a terrorist organization, cynically called it “the Palestinian people” and INSTALLED it in Gaza , Judea, and Samaria . How else can you explain the refusal by Jordan and Egypt to unconditionally accept back the “West Bank” and Gaza , respectively?
The fact is, Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have much less claim to nationhood than that Indian tribe that successfully emerged in Connecticut with the purpose of starting a tax-exempt casino: at least that tribe had a constructive goal that motivated them. The so-called “Palestinians” have only one motivation: the destruction of Israel , and in my BOOK that is not sufficient to consider them a nation” — or anything else except what they really are: a terrorist organization that will one day be dismantled.
In fact, there is only one way to achieve peace in the Middle East . Arab countries must acknowledge and accept their defeat in their war against Israel and, as the losing side should, pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 years of devastation they have visited on it. The most appropriate form of such reparations would be the removal of their terrorist organization from the land of Israel and accepting Israel ‘s ancient sovereignty over Gaza , Judea, and Samaria.
That will mark the end of the Palestinian people. What are you saying again was its beginning?
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Syria: Israeli warplanes strike targets near Damascus. Strikes reportedly target positions near Damascus airport and in Dimas, near Lebanese border; strikes allegedly targeted S-300 missile launchers en route to Hezbollah.
Syrian state television said on Sunday that Israeli jets had bombed areas near Damascus international airport and in the town of Dimas, near the border with Lebanon.
"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," state television said, adding that there were no casualties.
According to foreign reports the attack targeted a warehouse of advanced S-300 missiles, which were en route from Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The IDF does not comment on such operations.
In January, Israeli fighter planes bombarded S-300 missile launchers in the Syrian port city of Latakia, Syrian opposition groups said.
Despite Syrian opposition claims, it is unclear if Syria has even acquired the S-300 system. Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed last September that the delivery was suspended, even though some components had been delivered.
Israel has repeatedly warned that it is prepared to use force to prevent advanced weapons, particularly from Iran, reaching Hezbollah through Syria. According to foreign reports, Israel reportedly carried out several air strikes on Syria earlier this year.
So you don't want Israel to attack you. I will let you into a little secret. DON'T FUCKING ATTACK OR THREATEN ISRAEL. THEN YOU'LL BE SAFE.
Syria: Israeli warplanes strike targets near Damascus. Strikes reportedly target positions near Damascus airport and in Dimas, near Lebanese border; strikes allegedly targeted S-300 missile launchers en route to Hezbollah.
Syrian state television said on Sunday that Israeli jets had bombed areas near Damascus international airport and in the town of Dimas, near the border with Lebanon.
"The Israeli enemy committed aggression against Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus province, in all of Dimas and near the Damascus International Airport," state television said, adding that there were no casualties.
According to foreign reports the attack targeted a warehouse of advanced S-300 missiles, which were en route from Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The IDF does not comment on such operations.
In January, Israeli fighter planes bombarded S-300 missile launchers in the Syrian port city of Latakia, Syrian opposition groups said.
Despite Syrian opposition claims, it is unclear if Syria has even acquired the S-300 system. Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed last September that the delivery was suspended, even though some components had been delivered.
Israel has repeatedly warned that it is prepared to use force to prevent advanced weapons, particularly from Iran, reaching Hezbollah through Syria. According to foreign reports, Israel reportedly carried out several air strikes on Syria earlier this year.
So you don't want Israel to attack you. I will let you into a little secret. DON'T FUCKING ATTACK OR THREATEN ISRAEL. THEN YOU'LL BE SAFE.
Okay I’m a Jew and are we Jews meant to celebrate Christmas? Well of course not, is it not all about the birth of Jesus , the stable, the three kings etc this has nothing to do with Jewish beliefs, We are waiting for the Messah when Christians believe he's been and gone already. But hold everything! Wasn’t Jesus hailed ‘The King of The Jews’ therefore is it not right that we Jews should celebrate the birth of one of the most famous Jews ever? That is alongside Moses, Albert Einstein, Marc Chagall, Bob Dylan, Barbara Streisand and more recently Michael Brin founder of Google and Mark Zuckerberg founder of Facebook.
Now here’s a question: We know Christians believe in the Old Testament which IS the Jewish Bible The Torah... why don't they celebrate Chanukah? Good question I thought.
In a light hearten way and not meaning to offend (me offend.never) I believe (not really) That Mary got herself into a bit of trouble and explained to her, not to intelligent, husband Joseph it was G-d who was responsible!
But back to reality: Most religious Jews believe that he existed (though there are some who dispute this), but that he was an apostate. We Jews don't usually turn people's birthdays into holidays (so as not to encourage the worship of human beings), even people who are revered in Judaism. So it goes without saying that the day on which the birth of Jesus (who is not revered in Judaism) is celebrated (note, December 25th is NOT Jesus' birthday, even knowledgeable Christians will tell you this), would not be a holiday for us.
Jews have played an important musical part in the magic of Christmas. As I pointed out in my last post "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was written by Johnny Marks and "White Christmas" was penned by a Jewish liturgical singer's (cantor) son, Irving Berlin. Other famous Christmas songs composed by Jewish musicians include:
“The Christmas Waltz,” music and lyrics by Sammy Cahn and Julie Styne.
“Silver Bells,” music by Jay Livingston, lyrics by Ray Evans.
“Winter Wonderland,” music and lyrics by Felix Bernard. 7. “Santa Baby,” music and lyrics by Joan Ellen Javits and Philip Springer.
“Sleigh Ride,” lyrics by Mitchell Parrish.
“I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” music by Buck Ram, lyrics by Walter Kent.
“Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow,” lyrics by Sammy Cahn, music by Julie Styne.
“The Christmas Song” (“Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire”), music and lyrics by Mel Tormé and Bob Wells.
This is Dublin's famous Gaity Theater where I spent so many happy childhood Christmas's enjoying the Pantomimes with stars like Jimmy O'Dea, Maureen Potter and Danny Cruise. Years later I appeared in the theater with my band The Kingbees.
In my younger days in Dublin I used to love going to the Gaiety Theater to the Pantomimes with such stars as Maureen Potter, Jimmy O’Dea and I loved Danny Cruise. You see Christmas to me had nothing to do with religion I just remembered it as a time of utter excitement and joy not forgetting school holidays of course. Back in Dublin one of the highlights for me as a child was my Christmas visit to Pims department store in South Great Georges Street Dublin. All the children would board a spacecraft that would rocket us to Toyland. We were buckled into seats the lights would dim the rocket would vibrate and looking out the windows you would see the stars etc passing by. When the rocket stopped vibrating the lights would come on and you would be welcomed to Toyland, all the kids would then exit from a door up front ( we entered from a door at the back) and there we were greeted by artificial snow covered village with Santa sitting on a thrown giving out presents. I so enjoyed that.
One of the worst Christmases I remember as a kid was when my mum’s Morris Minor skidded hit a lamp post on the Merrion Road throwing myself, my sister and mother smashing through the front window, all I remember was waking up on the side of the road, Vanessa and mum were unconscious and my baby brother Gary (who was sitting in the front, no seat belts then!) was unharmed. Thank G-d all were okay in the end. I broke my nose and refused to stay in St Patrick Dunns Hospital so my Dad brought me home.
I do think of my late parents over Christmas they loved having us all (then married) around for a traditional Christmas Day lunch and present opening.
For me Christmas day in Spain has many fond memories, it was always the highlight of my broadcasting year when I’d go live on Christmas morning with the ever popular show ‘Wish You Were Here’ when a huge amount of my expat listeners would request I phone their families worldwide to wish them a happy Christmas from their loved ones living here on the Costa del Sol, many tears and a lot of joy (I do miss that show)
Joan Hunt and myself at gthe very first gala evening which raised over 30 million PTS and stared the late Max Bygraves and Lonnie Donegan
It was around Christmas that I first started introducing my annual charity drive to help build Spain’s first cancer hospice , Cudeca, by hosting a celebrity golf tournament culminating in a Gala evening, many UK celebrities thankfully supported the tournaments including Jasper Carrot, Robert Powell, Dennis Waterman, Jess Conrad, Kenny Lynch, Stan Boardman etc raising enormous amounts of money. After a few years I changed that to English radio’s first radio Telethon again hugely successful.
Keeping on the charity theme it was also over Christmas that as founder member of Club La Costa’s Smile Foundation we started delivering toys to the orphanage in Malaga Cuidad de Los Ninos.
Another memorable Christmas was when I agreed to sponsor Age Concern's Christmas turkey lunch for 30 plus elderly members. I remember after finishing my Wish you Were Here radio show I drove down Estepona where the lunch was being held to make an appearance at the party, after Barry Hands, the then chairman, announced me I noticed an elderly lady in a wheel chair clapping frantically, I was well pleased but wanted to make sure she knew who I was.
“ Excuse me” I said “ But do you know who I am?"
“No” she replied “But if you ask Matron she’ll tell you!”
The Tsunami wave crushes all in its wake 2004.
Another memory that will always stick in my mind was Christmas was 2004. I had only launched my new radio station REM FM when I agreed with my family that I would take at least a month away from organising charity events as I'd spent nearly every weekend end building up to Christmas hosting or organising one event after an other. I woke up on Boxing day to the devastating news about that a Tsunami had struck the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia: The Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, 26 December 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the Sumatra–Andaman earthquake. The news was reporting thousands of deaths and complete villages been wiped out. I immediately got dressed and made my way into the radio station, not sure what I was going to do but I knew I needed to do something. It was shortly after I arrived that I received a call from Joy Butler Markham who suggested we started asking for clothing, shelter etc etc so that’s what I did and within days we had collected a huge shipping container full of blankets , Clothing shoes etc. Joy went on to form the Manacare Foundation and along with the radio station we helped rebuild a school in Sri Lanka that was flattened by the shear force of the Tsunami.
Why I love Christmas is because at least for that one day the crazy world of wars, brutality, murdered and terrorism seems to agree a halt to their savagery (almost).
It was a scene from WW1 that seems to have epitomised that and is now a very successful television advertisement for Sainsbury’s. Please look at it.
I hate the bureaucratic pen pushers who say it should be simply Happy Holiday, what a load of bollix. I wish you all a very Happy, Peaceful and healthy Christmas
Okay I’m a Jew and are we Jews meant to celebrate Christmas? Well of course not, is it not all about the birth of Jesus , the stable, the three kings etc this has nothing to do with Jewish beliefs, We are waiting for the Messah when Christians believe he's been and gone already. But hold everything! Wasn’t Jesus hailed ‘The King of The Jews’ therefore is it not right that we Jews should celebrate the birth of one of the most famous Jews ever? That is alongside Moses, Albert Einstein, Marc Chagall, Bob Dylan, Barbara Streisand and more recently Michael Brin founder of Google and Mark Zuckerberg founder of Facebook.
Now here’s a question: We know Christians believe in the Old Testament which IS the Jewish Bible The Torah... why don't they celebrate Chanukah? Good question I thought.
In a light hearten way and not meaning to offend (me offend.never) I believe (not really) That Mary got herself into a bit of trouble and explained to her, not to intelligent, husband Joseph it was G-d who was responsible!
But back to reality: Most religious Jews believe that he existed (though there are some who dispute this), but that he was an apostate. We Jews don't usually turn people's birthdays into holidays (so as not to encourage the worship of human beings), even people who are revered in Judaism. So it goes without saying that the day on which the birth of Jesus (who is not revered in Judaism) is celebrated (note, December 25th is NOT Jesus' birthday, even knowledgeable Christians will tell you this), would not be a holiday for us.
Jews have played an important musical part in the magic of Christmas. As I pointed out in my last post "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was written by Johnny Marks and "White Christmas" was penned by a Jewish liturgical singer's (cantor) son, Irving Berlin. Other famous Christmas songs composed by Jewish musicians include:
“The Christmas Waltz,” music and lyrics by Sammy Cahn and Julie Styne.
“Silver Bells,” music by Jay Livingston, lyrics by Ray Evans.
“Winter Wonderland,” music and lyrics by Felix Bernard. 7. “Santa Baby,” music and lyrics by Joan Ellen Javits and Philip Springer.
“Sleigh Ride,” lyrics by Mitchell Parrish.
“I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” music by Buck Ram, lyrics by Walter Kent.
“Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow,” lyrics by Sammy Cahn, music by Julie Styne.
“The Christmas Song” (“Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire”), music and lyrics by Mel Tormé and Bob Wells.
This is Dublin's famous Gaity Theater where I spent so many happy childhood Christmas's enjoying the Pantomimes with stars like Jimmy O'Dea, Maureen Potter and Danny Cruise. Years later I appeared in the theater with my band The Kingbees.
In my younger days in Dublin I used to love going to the Gaiety Theater to the Pantomimes with such stars as Maureen Potter, Jimmy O’Dea and I loved Danny Cruise. You see Christmas to me had nothing to do with religion I just remembered it as a time of utter excitement and joy not forgetting school holidays of course. Back in Dublin one of the highlights for me as a child was my Christmas visit to Pims department store in South Great Georges Street Dublin. All the children would board a spacecraft that would rocket us to Toyland. We were buckled into seats the lights would dim the rocket would vibrate and looking out the windows you would see the stars etc passing by. When the rocket stopped vibrating the lights would come on and you would be welcomed to Toyland, all the kids would then exit from a door up front ( we entered from a door at the back) and there we were greeted by artificial snow covered village with Santa sitting on a thrown giving out presents. I so enjoyed that.
One of the worst Christmases I remember as a kid was when my mum’s Morris Minor skidded hit a lamp post on the Merrion Road throwing myself, my sister and mother smashing through the front window, all I remember was waking up on the side of the road, Vanessa and mum were unconscious and my baby brother Gary (who was sitting in the front, no seat belts then!) was unharmed. Thank G-d all were okay in the end. I broke my nose and refused to stay in St Patrick Dunns Hospital so my Dad brought me home.
I do think of my late parents over Christmas they loved having us all (then married) around for a traditional Christmas Day lunch and present opening.
For me Christmas day in Spain has many fond memories, it was always the highlight of my broadcasting year when I’d go live on Christmas morning with the ever popular show ‘Wish You Were Here’ when a huge amount of my expat listeners would request I phone their families worldwide to wish them a happy Christmas from their loved ones living here on the Costa del Sol, many tears and a lot of joy (I do miss that show)
Joan Hunt and myself at gthe very first gala evening which raised over 30 million PTS and stared the late Max Bygraves and Lonnie Donegan
It was around Christmas that I first started introducing my annual charity drive to help build Spain’s first cancer hospice , Cudeca, by hosting a celebrity golf tournament culminating in a Gala evening, many UK celebrities thankfully supported the tournaments including Jasper Carrot, Robert Powell, Dennis Waterman, Jess Conrad, Kenny Lynch, Stan Boardman etc raising enormous amounts of money. After a few years I changed that to English radio’s first radio Telethon again hugely successful.
Keeping on the charity theme it was also over Christmas that as founder member of Club La Costa’s Smile Foundation we started delivering toys to the orphanage in Malaga Cuidad de Los Ninos.
Another memorable Christmas was when I agreed to sponsor Age Concern's Christmas turkey lunch for 30 plus elderly members. I remember after finishing my Wish you Were Here radio show I drove down Estepona where the lunch was being held to make an appearance at the party, after Barry Hands, the then chairman, announced me I noticed an elderly lady in a wheel chair clapping frantically, I was well pleased but wanted to make sure she knew who I was.
“ Excuse me” I said “ But do you know who I am?"
“No” she replied “But if you ask Matron she’ll tell you!”
The Tsunami wave crushes all in its wake 2004.
Another memory that will always stick in my mind was Christmas was 2004. I had only launched my new radio station REM FM when I agreed with my family that I would take at least a month away from organising charity events as I'd spent nearly every weekend end building up to Christmas hosting or organising one event after an other. I woke up on Boxing day to the devastating news about that a Tsunami had struck the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia: The Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, 26 December 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the Sumatra–Andaman earthquake. The news was reporting thousands of deaths and complete villages been wiped out. I immediately got dressed and made my way into the radio station, not sure what I was going to do but I knew I needed to do something. It was shortly after I arrived that I received a call from Joy Butler Markham who suggested we started asking for clothing, shelter etc etc so that’s what I did and within days we had collected a huge shipping container full of blankets , Clothing shoes etc. Joy went on to form the Manacare Foundation and along with the radio station we helped rebuild a school in Sri Lanka that was flattened by the shear force of the Tsunami.
Why I love Christmas is because at least for that one day the crazy world of wars, brutality, murdered and terrorism seems to agree a halt to their savagery (almost).
It was a scene from WW1 that seems to have epitomised that and is now a very successful television advertisement for Sainsbury’s. Please look at it.
I hate the bureaucratic pen pushers who say it should be simply Happy Holiday, what a load of bollix. I wish you all a very Happy, Peaceful and healthy Christmas
Last week on Philadelphia radio 97.5's "The Fanatic," NBA star Charles Barkley said the Missouri grand jury was right when they decided not to charge Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for fatally shooting Michael Brown.
Barkley told host Mike Missanelli that the looters are “scumbags," adding, "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."
"I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore, and that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore because they love this stuff and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other," he added.
Barkley continued, “We have to be really careful with the cops because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the wild, wild west in our neighborhoods. We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad. Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn't for the cops?”
Last week on Philadelphia radio 97.5's "The Fanatic," NBA star Charles Barkley said the Missouri grand jury was right when they decided not to charge Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson for fatally shooting Michael Brown.
Barkley told host Mike Missanelli that the looters are “scumbags," adding, "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."
"I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore, and that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore because they love this stuff and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other," he added.
Barkley continued, “We have to be really careful with the cops because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the wild, wild west in our neighborhoods. We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad. Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn't for the cops?”
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Somewhere over the Rainbow
At the 2014 Oscars, they celebrated the 75th anniversary of the release of the "Wizard of Oz" by having Pink sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", with highlights from the film in the background. But what few people realized, while listening to that incredible performer singing that unforgettable song, is that the music is deeply embedded in the Jewish experience.
It is no accident, for example, that the greatest Christmas songs of all time were written by Jews. For example, "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was written by Johnny Marks and "White Christmas" was penned by a Jewish liturgical singer's (cantor) son, Irving Berlin.
But perhaps the most poignant song emerging out of the mass exodus from Europe was "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". The lyrics were written by Yip Harburg. He was the youngest of four children born to Russian Jewish immigrants. His real name was Isidore Hochberg and he grew up in a Yiddish speaking, Orthodox Jewish home in New York . The music was written by Harold Arlen, a cantor's son. His real name was Hyman Arluck and his parents were from Lithuania .
Together, Hochberg and Arluck wrote "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", which was voted the 20th century's number one song by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).
In writing it, the two men reached deep into their immigrant Jewish consciousness - framed by the pogroms of the past and the Holocaust about to happen - and wrote an unforgettable melody set to near prophetic words.
Read the lyrics in their Jewish context and suddenly the words are no longer about wizards and Oz, but about Jewish survival:
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly.
Birds fly over the rainbow.
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?
The Jews of Europe could not fly. They could not escape beyond the rainbow. Harburg was almost prescient when he talked about wanting to fly like a bluebird away from the "chimney tops". In the post-Auschwitz era, chimney tops have taken on a whole different meaning than the one they had at the beginning of 1939.
Pink's mom is Judith Kugel. She's Jewish of Lithuanian background. As Pink was belting the Harburg/Arlen song from the stage at the Academy Awards, I wasn't thinking about the movie. I was thinking about Europe's lost Jews and the immigrants to America .
I was then struck by the irony that for two thousand years the land that the Jews heard of "once in a lullaby" was not America , but Israel . The remarkable thing would be that less than ten years after "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was first published, the exile was over and the State of Israel was reborn. Perhaps the "dreams that you dare to dream really do come true".
At the 2014 Oscars, they celebrated the 75th anniversary of the release of the "Wizard of Oz" by having Pink sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", with highlights from the film in the background. But what few people realized, while listening to that incredible performer singing that unforgettable song, is that the music is deeply embedded in the Jewish experience.
It is no accident, for example, that the greatest Christmas songs of all time were written by Jews. For example, "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was written by Johnny Marks and "White Christmas" was penned by a Jewish liturgical singer's (cantor) son, Irving Berlin.
But perhaps the most poignant song emerging out of the mass exodus from Europe was "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". The lyrics were written by Yip Harburg. He was the youngest of four children born to Russian Jewish immigrants. His real name was Isidore Hochberg and he grew up in a Yiddish speaking, Orthodox Jewish home in New York . The music was written by Harold Arlen, a cantor's son. His real name was Hyman Arluck and his parents were from Lithuania .
Together, Hochberg and Arluck wrote "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", which was voted the 20th century's number one song by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA).
In writing it, the two men reached deep into their immigrant Jewish consciousness - framed by the pogroms of the past and the Holocaust about to happen - and wrote an unforgettable melody set to near prophetic words.
Read the lyrics in their Jewish context and suddenly the words are no longer about wizards and Oz, but about Jewish survival:
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly.
Birds fly over the rainbow.
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?
The Jews of Europe could not fly. They could not escape beyond the rainbow. Harburg was almost prescient when he talked about wanting to fly like a bluebird away from the "chimney tops". In the post-Auschwitz era, chimney tops have taken on a whole different meaning than the one they had at the beginning of 1939.
Pink's mom is Judith Kugel. She's Jewish of Lithuanian background. As Pink was belting the Harburg/Arlen song from the stage at the Academy Awards, I wasn't thinking about the movie. I was thinking about Europe's lost Jews and the immigrants to America .
I was then struck by the irony that for two thousand years the land that the Jews heard of "once in a lullaby" was not America , but Israel . The remarkable thing would be that less than ten years after "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was first published, the exile was over and the State of Israel was reborn. Perhaps the "dreams that you dare to dream really do come true".
Friday, 5 December 2014
Why I don’t agree with breast feeding in public without at least covering up!
I know this might just cause a little controversy but I say as I believe! I think there is nothing more embarrassing than a woman whipping out her naked breast in a restaurant and sticking a baby at the end of it to suckle to its little hearts continent. This debate was rekindled when UKIP’s Nigel Farage said on LBC this afternoon: “Given that some people are very, very embarrassed by it, it isn't too difficult to breastfeed a baby in a way that's not openly ostentatious” Not sure ‘ostentatious’ is the correct word perhaps ‘Visible’ might have worked better?
On the other hand I feel that woman should be allowed to feed their little uns when necessary but at least my dears cover the naked breast and baby head so that the surrounding dinners don’t feel uncomfortable.
i.e Figure 1 wrong
Figure 2 correct
Here’s what some mums said today: “I totally support breastfeeding, but what’s so hard about covering up to breastfeed in public?”
“I don’t mind if moms breastfeed in public, as long as they do it modestly. Especially if there are kids or teens around.”
“Breastfeeding is totally natural, but so is going to the bathroom / having sex, and people don’t do that in public.”
“This isn’t a village in Africa. It’s culturally inappropriate to bare your breasts in public here.”
Make your own mind up.
I know this might just cause a little controversy but I say as I believe! I think there is nothing more embarrassing than a woman whipping out her naked breast in a restaurant and sticking a baby at the end of it to suckle to its little hearts continent. This debate was rekindled when UKIP’s Nigel Farage said on LBC this afternoon: “Given that some people are very, very embarrassed by it, it isn't too difficult to breastfeed a baby in a way that's not openly ostentatious” Not sure ‘ostentatious’ is the correct word perhaps ‘Visible’ might have worked better?
On the other hand I feel that woman should be allowed to feed their little uns when necessary but at least my dears cover the naked breast and baby head so that the surrounding dinners don’t feel uncomfortable.
i.e Figure 1 wrong

Figure 2 correct

Here’s what some mums said today: “I totally support breastfeeding, but what’s so hard about covering up to breastfeed in public?”
“I don’t mind if moms breastfeed in public, as long as they do it modestly. Especially if there are kids or teens around.”
“Breastfeeding is totally natural, but so is going to the bathroom / having sex, and people don’t do that in public.”
“This isn’t a village in Africa. It’s culturally inappropriate to bare your breasts in public here.”
Make your own mind up.
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