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Saturday, 29 April 2017

Jeremy Corbyn, one of politics greatest losers has dipped to a new low, even his closes followers have spoken out against their leader (those that are left that is) as they urge him to cut links with Palestine charity after it hosts anti-Semitic speaker who accuses Jews of exploiting the Holocaust.

A charity supported by Jeremy Corbyn hosted an anti-Semitic speaker who has accused Jews of exploiting the Holocaust and called Zionism 'parallel to Nazism'.
The lump of scum known as Tom Suarez promoted his book on Israel at an event in Portsmouth organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, of which the Labour leader is a patron.
The talk was meant to be held at another venue but had to be moved to a new location after a 'concerned' local Tory MP spoke to the police.

Tom Suarez previously spoke at SOAS where he made comments which breached the International Definition of Antisemitism.
'His message is one of hatred and he should be shunned for his repulsive views.
'It comes as no surprise whatsoever that instead of rejecting him, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign has embraced him and organised events at which he speaks

'This should be enough for its prominent patrons, including Jeremy Corbyn, to sever their links with the organisation.'

But of course this loser Corbyn not only hasn't severed his links with this anti Semite organisation but SUPPORTS THEM!!! What a lump of shit this Labour leader is...

My Message to Jeremy Corbyn: Look at these photos of what the Nazi did to 6 million Jews and when your sitting next to your 'special' guest Tom Suarez remember his words " Jews are exploiting the Holocaust"


Anti Semite Jeremy Corbyn digs a deeper hole to bury himself in....Jewish activistswere evicted hosted by a Labour MP at Parliament this week after they asked 'disruptive questions', MailOnline can reveal.

The hated scum Mark Hendrick, MP for Preston, chaired the pro-Palestinian event which was organised by the controversial Palestine Return Centre (PRC). The group has been accused of links with Hamas, though a spokesman denied this.
The main speaker at Tuesday's event – which was held to discuss Israeli conduct in Jerusalem – was Kamal Hawwash of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, who used his speech to accuse Israel of being 'an expert at inciting hatred'.
At a previous Labour event, he said he considered a man who knifed two Israeli men to death, and injured a woman and toddler, a 'martyr' carrying out an 'act of revenge'. If people found his actions 'unacceptable', he said, 'that's up to them'.
The Jewish activists listened quietly to the speeches but then strongly challenged the presentations during the question-and-answer session. The coward Mr Hendrick summoned police armed with machine guns to eject them, leaving them 'shaken and upset'.

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