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Saturday 4 July 2015

I find it hard to believe that the vote has gone against Israel for their infringements of human rights that is until I read the countries who voted in favor of the motion to be carried. They are some of the world greatest promoters of human rights abuses!!! You just couldn't make it up! Just read this list I promise it will make you chuckle out load.

The list of countries in favor of Israel been charged with human rights abuses are. I'm laughing so much I can hardly type:
This first one sort of sums up everything I'm trying to say: CHINA!!!
The madness continues...

Costa Rico.
Rep of Korea.
You'll love this one: Saudi Arabia.
and this one: Sierra Leon.

There's more but I have to stop I'm laughing so much. China and Saudi Arabia in favor of punishing a country for Human rights abuses, This has got to be some kind of joke!!!!!

Take a minuet and have a look at China. This is almost a daily occurrence!!! and you trust their vote against Israel for Human Rights violations. Fuck off!!!

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