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Friday, 11 May 2018

 Population of Iran 81 million.

Population of Israel 8.5 Million...

Iran stop fucking whinging.  Israel making you look like a pack of 'Clowns' if you get my drift .....

Iran condemns Israeli regression. Are you fucking joking. HaHaHaHa !!! A country that hangs anyone who's gay. Who stones women to death if THEY are raped and beheads anyone who disagree with their aggressive ways...Fuck you pack of scum. Israel will blow your ass off you pack of cowards...

So looking forward to read how Conspiracy Theorists will deal with this , it must be doing their heads in as they can't show any favoritism towards Iran because it would make them look two faced...What a dilemma!!!! 

More great news for Israel.....

The Bahraini foreign minister said Israel had a right to defend itself from Iran.

The message on Twitter Thursday, a day after Israel once again struck targets in Syria believed to house Iranian materiel and personnel, was unusual for an Arab leader in its blunt defense of Israel.

Following Saudi Arabia and Egypt support for Israel

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