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Sunday, 16 July 2017

I've just been watching a documentary on TV called The Millionaires of Gaza

3 years ago I posted on my blog that there was 300 millionaires in Gaza, today there are over 1,000 and possibly more! So how do these self made millionaires make their millions? Property prices in Gaza are soaring. Yes, you read it right, the documentary interviewed one of biggest property developers in Gaza who said he was selling apartments upwards of one million dollars!!! Marbella prices!

The other sources of making big money is made by Hamas, corruption. One Hamas member admitted on camera that he was making over $5,000 per day smuggling concrete into Gaza through illegal tunnels from Egypt undercutting the price of legitimate concrete arriving from Israel.

So lets take a tour of Gaza the place that Hamas would like you to think of as a Concentration camp.....

(Hamass burnt down the water park saying it was the wrong image for Gaza)

Still believe that Gaza is a Concentration Camp?

A few days ago there was a savage attack killing Druid solders in Israel. These murders were carried out using knives. I wonder why? Listen to this sermon from inside a Mosque in Gaza...

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