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Sunday, 30 July 2017

Dear Friends,

Let us all join together (that includes ant Semites and anti Zionists) to stop the Palestinian Authority’s payment of salaries to convicted and jailed terrorists.

Let’s ask the Palestinian people: Do you want your government to spend $1.1 billion each year to encourage terrorism or would you rather this money be used to improve your lives and provide a better future for your children? And let’s ask taxpayers around the world: How do you want your humanitarian aid to Palestinians spent?

The Palestinian Authority today faces an unemployment rate of 26%, a poverty rate of 28%, and an average monthly salary of $245. And yet despite these dire circumstances, it spends hundreds of millions of dollars annually rewarding terrorists and their families for violent crimes against Israelis.

The average monthly salary amounts $3,500 / month; those serving longer prison sentences for more severe crimes get even more and are nearly guaranteed higher-ranking jobs after release from prison. The terrorist who killed three members of the Salomon family during Shabbat dinner last week will also receive a hefty salary for this crime.

As the Palestinian Authority wastes its humanitarian aid on payouts to murderers, Palestinians across the West Bank and Gaza are suffering

The same $1.1 billion could infinitely enhance Palestinian lives. 25,000 students could go to college each year for free; every 6th grader could get a new computer; every impoverished family in Gaza could get a $1,000 stipend. Even after that, there would still be $70 million left to improve hospitals, increase salaries, invest in infrastructure, and other civilian priorities.

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